AVI50222 - Diploma of Aviation
(Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane)

This qualification reflects the roles of flight crew personnel performing normal and emergency commercial pilot duties in support of commercial or Defence aviation flight operations. Flight crew duties include applying technical and non-technical aviation skills and knowledge to a wide range of air transport operations, including passenger, charter and cargo operations. Individuals working at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined responsibility in known or changing contexts and within broad but established parameters. This qualification forms some of the requirements for certification as a commercial pilot by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) as directed by Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) Part 61 Flight crew licensing. People seeking certification should check these requirements with CASA.
Occupations may include:
Commercial aeroplane pilot.
Military aeroplane pilot.
Course Modules: 
AVIE0006 Maintain aircraft radio communications
AVIF0026 Implement aviation risk management processes
AVIF0027 Implement aviation fatigue risk management processes
AVIF0029 Implement threat and error management strategies
AVIF0030 Manage safe flight operations
AVIF0033 Manage aircraft passengers and cargo
AVIF0035 Manage human factors in aviation operations
AVIH0010 Plan a flight under visual flight rules
AVIH0014 Navigate aircraft under visual flight rules
AVILIC0003 Licence to operate a commercial aeroplane
AVIO0017 Manage disruptive behaviour and unlawful interference with aviation
AVIW0029 Manage pre- and post-flight actions
AVIW0032 Operate and manage aircraft systems
AVIY0033 Operate aircraft using aircraft flight instruments
AVIY0034 Operate in controlled airspace
AVIY0035 Operate in Class G airspace
AVIY0036 Operate at non-towered aerodromes
AVIY0037 Operate at a controlled aerodrome
AVIY0040 Apply aeronautical knowledge to aviation operations
AVIY0041 Apply the principles of civil air law to aviation operations
AVIY0083 Execute advanced aeroplane manoeuvres and procedures
AVIY0047 Manage abnormal aeroplane flight situations
AVIY0054 Control aeroplane on the ground
AVIY0055 Take off aeroplane
AVIY0056 Control aeroplane in normal flight
AVIY0057 Land aeroplane
AVIY0058 Manage aircraft fuel
AVIZ0006 Manage situational awareness in aircraft flight
General elective unit:
AVIF0023 Apply aircraft safety procedures
Course Duration:
Diploma of Aviation – Commercial Pilot Licence Aeroplane course is completed over 12 months.
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